Terms of Papers

Important Notes:

·The Abstracts shall be sent in two languages,  the language of the research and one of the following languages: English, Kurdish or Arabic.

·Participation and attendance at the conference is free of charge.

·The conference bears the cost of obtaining a visa.

·The conference bears the costs of accommodation and meals for the researchers participating in the conference for the duration of the conference, and the provision of transportation from the conference accommodation to the conference venue.

·The conference organizes tours for the participating researchers to tourist attractions of Rawanduz, Bikhal, and Gali Ali Beg.

➢ All are welcome to write papers addressing the below mentioned topics covering the theme of the conference and serving the stated aims of the conference.

➢ Academic standards of research are required.

➢ The paper must not exceed (25) pages and no less than (15) pages. Address and email should be written on the first page after authors full name.

➢ The paper must be printed in (Unicode), the title typed with font (16) bold, author name, sub-titles with font (14) bold, paper content with font (14), footnotes with font (12).

➢ The conference’s scientific committee reserves the right to accept and publish the paper as property of Soran University.